Small Business

why use WordPress for business

Why You Should Use WordPress to Create Website for Your Enterprise

Even a few years ago, a brick and mortar store had nothing to do with online presence. But in recent days, as the popularity of the internet is soaring into the sky, a business enterprise owner must utilize the endless possibilities of the online platforms.

There are a number of ways you can establish your enterprise’s brand on the internet. The best part is that not only can you showcase your enterprise’s information on the internet but can completely operate your business online.

But the question is how you can make your own website for your enterprise. Well, there are a number of CMS platforms like WordPress, Joomla, Tumblr, Drupal, Wix, Squarespace and so on to build your enterprise website. Today we will be discussing the reason ” Why use WordPress for business enterprise “.

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Messenger Marketing: How To Use Chatbots To Grow Your Audience

The more popular an online communication service becomes, the greater the odds of it becoming a vessel for delivering marketing content. From web-pages, to email, to search engines, to social networks, businesses are always jumping on each new opportunity to promote themselves online. And the latest communication channel to get co-opted for marketing purposes in this manner is instant messaging.

It was only a matter of time before businesses realized they could leverage the rising popularity of communication apps such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Viber to increase their audience. This is easier said than done. While the audience is quick to adapt to emerging online technologies, it always takes the business a while to figure out how to utilize them effectively.

One piece of tech that is promising to accelerate this process is the chatbot. According to recent data, almost 60% of all millennials and Gen Xers in the US alone have interacted with chatbots in some capacity, and this number will likely increase in the future. The kicker here is that chatbots often use services such as Facebook Messenger for communicating with consumers. Hence, the more you know about instant messaging services and chatbots, the better equipped you will be to use them together for marketing purposes.

To find out more about this topic, take a look at the overview we have prepared in the rest of this article.

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CRM & Marketing automation

Accelerate Your Startup’s Growth with a WordPress Marketing CRM

CRM marketing automation has become a subject of interest over the last few years. Because integrating marketing and customer relationship management in one automation system is a great way to cut costs and enhance revenue. Most importantly, the scope of data centralization and efficiency improvement has made it irresistible to all kind of organizations.

For every business out there, especially for the startups, sales, marketing, customer acquisition, and retention, everything is equally important. So, the use of a CRM that includes marketing automation can be a huge plus for the entrepreneurs.

Let’s get to know which features are important to choose such a CRM.

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erp implementation challenges

Common ERP Implementation Risk Factors That You Should Consider Before Buying

Business owners are increasingly looking to upgrade or install new ERP solutions not only to keep up with the latest trends but also to get an all-for-one solution to all sorts of operations. However, implementation of ERP comes with several challenges and risk factors that need to be considered.

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How To Boost Sales Using Social Media Marketing Strategy

How To Boost Sales Using Social Media Marketing Strategy

The influence of social media has been so powerful in our life that we can’t think of a single day without it. We’re literally living in the world ruled by it. So, going for the social media marketing at the early stage of a business is quite a smart move. All the SMEs, as well as the big companies, are adopting this approach seriously. We’ll be discussing some effective and essential social media tips for business today. Follow these strategies and make your business thrive. 

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