Adding a new contact

This page displays all the existing contacts with a filtering panel.

To create a new contact navigate to WP Admin Dashboard → WP ERP → CRM → Contacts. 

Next, click on the “Add New Contact” button located above on the left, as shown below:

This will open a popup form.

Fill in the name, email, phone number, life stage, and contact owner.

To add more information, click on Advanced Fields.

Here you can add the date of birth, age, website, address, and fax number.

Select the group from the checklist you want to assign this contact to.

You can also add the contact source, notes, and social info of the user under Additional Info.

Life Stages

There are 4 life stages for a contact:-

Subscriber: Someone who has just registered to your site or a CRM agent just created a fresh contact.

Lead: Someone who makes a query or you have acquired through communication, such as, email or networking.

Opportunity: Someone who has shown an interest to make an order or the goal set for your sales.

Customer: An Opportunity or Lead contact who makes a purchase from your company. You are now responsible to provide follow-ups and support to this client.

You need to click/view a Contact to get to that interface.

You can also add social profiles of the contact in this form.

Using the Contacts Panel for Customer Interaction

To interact with a contact, click on it or press View. The following panel will appear with 4 tabs and a few other options to the left.

wperp crm

From the left panel, you will see some basic details of the contact.

If the contact is a representative of a company, simply select the company by clicking on +Assign a Company.

If you want to add this contact to a contact group then select the group from the “Assign Contact Groups” panel at the bottom left.

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