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improving financial analysis

Automating And Improving Financial Analysis With WordPress ERP

While making an important business decision, it is a must to analyze the financial statements of your business enterprise. But, the process of analysis takes up a lot of time if you are going to do it by hands.

Most importantly, if you are not skilled in analyzing financial statements, you will need to hire professional financiers to tackle the challenge of improving financial analysis.

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HR Manager Roles & Responsibilities

Crucial HR Manager Roles And Responsibilities In A Growing Company

Any idea how many companies suffer ample amount of losses each year due to the mismanagement of the HR department? A great ton. The HR Manager roles are comprised of 2 major things: Managing the employees and supervising the overall functionalities of the company such as training & developments, new employee recruitment, compensation, benefits, leaves, and Organizing company events etc.

Here are some other important responsibilities of an HR Manager:

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erp for small business

Major Small Business Obstacles That Can Be Wiped Out With ERP Solutions

It’s seldom that we hear that no one faces difficulties to run their business. Every startup faces lots of issues. They overcome these barriers with the help of experts’ opinions and personal hands-on experience with trial-and-error experiments. From our experience and research, we’re sharing some major problems and solutions to them.

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5 Steps to a Better ERP System Implementation for Your Small Business

If you are on the lookout for a better ERP solution for ERP you will have to identify the unique requirements of your business enterprise, find out the pitfalls of your current ERP system, conduct a research to know which solution fits your enterprise best, create your own game plan and opt for an ERP system implementation partner who will be escorting you all the way. This way you can prevent any unwanted experience during the application process of the solution and successfully boost up your organization’s productivity thereby.

WP ERP Pricing

Revamped WP ERP Pricing Packages: How You are Saving Big?

WP ERP is one of the plugins that has changed the purpose of WordPress to its users. It is a noteworthy example of using WordPress for a greater cause like managing businesses. Being first of it’s kind, WP ERP is successfully aiding 7,000+ businesses all over the world!

After it’s release, we initially planned to make individual premium extensions alongside the FREE core modules. And it was a huge success. Customers were able to choose from around 25+ extensions that solve specific business problems.

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role of a human resource manager

The Essential Role of A Human Resource Manager in Modern Businesses

The topic “role of a human resource manager” often drives many of us to the debate, “Do startups and growing businesses need a separate HR Management?” According to most business experts, the resounding and emphatic answer to this question is a big “Yes!“.

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CRM Strategy & The Changing Nature of Customer Relationships

Maintaining proper customer relations is indeed an imperative part of any business growth. When you are planning to expand your business you will require to set a certain benchmark to achieve the things you want for your business. And to reach that benchmark we need to follow a comprehensive CRM strategy.

6 Must Have Features to Look for in An Inventory Tracking Software

Must Have Features to Look for in an Inventory Tracking Software

For any business enterprise regardless of its size, the challenge of tracking and managing inventories must be dealt with. The challenge gets even more amplified if the size of the business gets expanded with time. Rationally, to expand the sales funnel and achieve more customer satisfaction, it becomes a fundamental necessity to use inventory tracking software.

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