Levels of Authorization

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    • #26499

      Hey guys im trying customize my HRM setup a bit, i would like employees’ leave application to go to their supervisors then when the supervisor approves it is sent to the HR manager. Any tips on how i might begin?
      Thanks alot in adavance.

    • #40258
      Matt Cromwell

      Chiming in that this is a needed and necessary feature.

      But I’m also a bit confused because I think there’s some relation to the “Permissions > This user is HR Manager” feature as well. I have set myself and two others (each a head of a department) as “HR Managers”. When an employee requested leave an email was sent to myself (I’m also the general site admin) and to another HR manager who was NOT the department head.

      My assumption is that the email notifications should go to the department head only.

      My suggestion is that:
      1. The default should be that requests are sent to the employees department head
      2. There are settings in “WP ERP > SETTINGS > EMAIL > CONFIGURE (Leave Request)” that allow for other users to be added to the notifications.

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