Leave request "submit request" button greyed out

Front Page Forums HRM Leave request "submit request" button greyed out

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    • #9502

      I am new to WPERP. I was just trying out the “leave request” feature. I set up the leave entitlements (“vacation” and “remote work”, and then was trying to put in a vacation request.

      However, when I filled out all fields in the form I was unable to “submit request” because the button is grey.

      Also, there is field next to each day of the time period requested that says “1 day”. It looks like that field should be editable, but I am not able to edit it. I imagine for weekend days it would usually make sense to change the “1” to “0.”

      I’d be happy to provide screenshots of the issue I’m having!

      Thank you,


    • #9543
      Shawon Chowdhury


      Feel free to send screenshots at “[email protected]” with the details.
      We would be very happy to assist you.

      Thanks 🙂

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