Leave request

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    • #2508

      Dear WP ERP,

      Is it possible that employees can do a leave request by themself?

      I noticed that only a hr manager can fill in the leave request.

      I managed to filter only the Leave>Request menu for an account but than the person can also do a request for other employees.

      Could you please give me an awnser asap?

      With Kind Regards,


    • #2556

      Login and check if there is an option above the calender on overview take leave

      if not
      you can do some custom code modifications

      For the employee role add in functions-capabilities.php

      case erp_hr_get_employee_role():

      add this line ‘erp_leave_create_request’ => true,

      Deactivate and reactivate the plugin But before that
      Change this lines
      if ( $roles_hr ) {
      foreach ($roles_hr as $key => $role) {
      add_role( $key, $role[‘name’], $role[‘capabilities’] );

      if ( $roles_hr ) {
      foreach ($roles_hr as $key => $role) {
      add_role( $key, $role[‘name’], $role[‘capabilities’] );

      as add role will not modify the role
      in class-install.php file

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