Is there a salary Management option in the HRM

Front Page Forums HRM Is there a salary Management option in the HRM

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    • #3901

      I can’t find a salary creation/Management in the HRM

      or do I have to purchase the Custom Field Builder and Workflow to create this part?

    • #3914
      Shawon Chowdhury

      Currently you can add pay rate / salary for each employee while adding a new employee. Procedure is given below :

      1. Here is the simple steps :-
      HR Management -> Employees -> Add New -> Fill the forms -> Create Employee
      *** This screenshot will make it more easier :

      2. Also you can update that from:
      HR -> Employees -> Go to profile -> Job -> Update Compensation .
      *** This screenshot will make it more easier :

      Note :
      If you want to manage employee’s salary by accounting management, then you’ve to wait a little bit.
      We are working on salary management system and soon we’ll release a new version with this feature 🙂

      Thanks and let me know if you need any more help 🙂

      Cheers !

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