HRM Leave policy

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    • #17322

      I have created 2 policies in my test implementation. Both have been assigned to employees. One is annual leave 22 days and other is Sick leaves 10 days.
      When a user go to new leave request one of the policies will not work giving a message “Sorry you donot have any leave left under this leave policy” where as clearly there are 22 leaves left to be taken.
      We are evaluating on the latest version on WordPress 4.9.6
      ERP version 1.3.10
      Kindly advise is this a known issue or i should not be creating multiple policies.

    • #17597
      Shawon Chowdhury


      Sorry for the inconvenience. You can create unlimited leave policies for sure.
      Please let me know if you are still facing this.

      Thanks 🙂

    • #17755

      I am having exactly the same issue. Setting to unlimited is not going to work for us. Is there a fix, or is there something mis-configured that would cause this issue?

    • #17800
      Shawon Chowdhury


      This is really unexpected. Seems I need to have a closer look at your site.
      Could you please contact our support so that we may check and resolve it on your site?-

      Thanks 🙂

    • #18162
      Shawon Chowdhury


      We have found an issue.
      Please check this option till next update of WP ERP-
      Once the update is released, you are free to uncheck this option. For now, this will help you to continue using WP ERP.

      Thanks 🙂

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