Formatting on My HR Profile page

Front Page Forums HRM Formatting on My HR Profile page

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    • #12344

      Hi everyone, this may be a simple fix for a CSS expert, so here it goes….

      It seems as if the HR Frontent extension I just installed is inheriting some of the CSS styling from my active theme (Thrive Intranet). In the Profile page, this is causing the lines in profile information to offset vertically, so that the info header (i.e. First Name) is a full line lower than the employee info, including the colon (i.e. : testname). It’s like this between every header and its corresponding info text.

      Does anybody have any suggestions on how I can fix this, perhaps by adjusting any part of the CSS code to either ignore or overwrite the theme CSS? My guess is between the theme font and the bolding used, it’s throwing off the amount of text space within the column width, but I don’t know for sure. I’m happy to upload, attach or send an example photo if I can figure out how.

      Thank you!

    • #12372


      You are right. This is a theme conflict. You have to add some custom CSS lines to fix this. I’ve done similar one last week.
      Don’t worry. This is so possible.

    • #12429
      Shawon Chowdhury


      You might have been facing theme conflict. Make changes in CSS can sort it out.
      Please try with WordPress default theme like twenty sixteen and you will find everything good.

      Let me know if you need further assistance 🙂

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