Employee listed – blank – cannot delete or cannot move to trash

Front Page Forums HRM Employee listed – blank – cannot delete or cannot move to trash

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  • Author
    • #64244
      Darren Olson

      I just installed WP ERP and notice there is an employee listed under Employees.

      There is no information, name, last name, etc when I click on edit. The employee details form is completely blank.
      When I select delete or use move to trash, I receive an error alert saying there is no employee found.

      How can I fix this?

      Thank you

    • #64314
      Mehedi Hasan

      Hello Darren,

      This generally happens when someone deletes the user account from the ‘users’. A user has stored on your database, which needs to be cleaned. You can simply deactivate WPERP and run this cleaner-> https://github.com/wp-erp/erp-cleaner

      Or contact our support center directly. Our support team will clean the database for you.


    • #80251

      So if I use ERP-Cleaner, it’ll wipe EVERYTHING, Leaves, employee stats, … But I dont want them to be wiped. So how I can fix it in another way? Thank you.

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