Email Parsing

Front Page Forums CRM Email Parsing

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    • #11364
      Jason Barbour

      Hi, is there currently a way to parse emails containing XML? I use your Custom Field Builder and have this data sent from our website to the CRM via Contact Form 7. I’d like to send emails containing XML to WPERP from outside of our website. Can anyone think of a way how to accomplish this?


      Here’s an example of the XML:

      <?xml version=”1.0″?>
      <?adf version=”1.0″?>
      <prospect status=”new”>
      <id sequence=”” source=””></id>
      <vehicle interest=”” status=””>
      <id sequence=”” source=””></id>
      <odometer status=”original” units=”miles”>[_mileage]</odometer>
      <imagetag width=”” height=”” alttext=””></imagetag>
      <price type=”” currency=”” delta=”” relativeto=”” source=””></price>
      <price type=”” currency=”” delta=”” relativeto=”” source=””></price>
      <amount type=”” limit=”” currency=””></amount>
      <balance type=”” currency=””></balance>

      <id sequence=”” source=””></id>
      <contact primarycontact=””>
      <name part=”first” type=”individual”>[fname]</name>\n\n
      <name part=”middle” type=”individual”>[mname]</name>\n\n
      <name part=”last” type=”individual”>[lname]</name>\n\n
      <email preferredcontact=””>[email]</email>
      <phone type=”mobile” time=”” preferredcontact=””>[phone]</phone>
      <phone type=”home” time=”” preferredcontact=””>[phone]</phone>
      <phone type=”work” time=”” preferredcontact=””>[phone]</phone>
      <address type=””>
      <street line=”1″></street>
      <street line=”2″></street>

      <id sequence=”” source=””></id>
      <contact primarycontact=””>
      <name part=”” type=””></name>
      <email preferredcontact=””></email>
      <phone type=”” time=”” preferredcontact=””></phone>
      <address type=””>
      <street line=””></street>

      <id sequence=”” source=””></id>
      <name part=”full” type=””></name>
      <email preferredcontact=””></email>
      <phone type=”” time=”” preferredcontact=””></phone>
      <contact primarycontact=””>
      <name part=”” type=””></name>
      <email preferredcontact=””></email>
      <phone type=”” time=”” preferredcontact=””></phone>
      <address type=””>
      <street line=””></street>


    • #11522
      Jason Barbour

      Any Ideas?

    • #11887
      Jason Barbour


    • #11958
      Jason Barbour

      It’s been 24 days. Would someone please answer?

    • #12109
      Shawon Chowdhury


      Sorry for late response. For some unexpected reason, your post was under spam!
      Really sorry about that.
      By default, this is not possible. You may need to customize the core of WP ERP for this.

      Thanks 🙂

    • #12145
      Jason Barbour

      No worries. Doe your team accept paid development requests?

    • #13825
      Shawon Chowdhury

      @Jason Barbour,

      You can send Project Proposal here:
      Our project manager will reach you if he thinks that as doable.

      Thanks 🙂

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