CRM Schedule Task or Reminder Task

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    • #19954


      I like that, so much but this CRM have a Schedule Task Function? or Reminder task? I think a one CRM software is essential have this options for the management to the follow-up of clients that is the main thing in the commercial management. I have a Deals AddON but i dont know if this AddON have this function of Reminder or Shedule and if i’m a notified about this. This addON does have?

      If this plugin or the addONS does not have, do u think that this function add in the future?


      I will stay tuned,

    • #19959

      Dear Hakkan,

      CRM has a “Scheduled Task” option where you can create tasks for your Contacts and assign tasks to Managers/Clients.

      Check out this screenshot:

      You can also check all the Schedules by navigating to: wp-admin-> CRM -> Schedules

      Deals add-on has options to schedule meetings, call, tasks, deadline, email and lunch.

      To add a “Schedule Activity” please navigate to wp-admin -> Deals -> Activities.

      Check out this screenshot:

      Regarding “Reminder” feature, we currently do not have this feature for both CRM and the Deals add-on. But I think it would be great feature to release in the future. I have already noted it down and took this as a feature request.

      Thank you for your suggestion.

    • #20095

      Thanks! For u quick reply

      Is it possible to see in the calendar, that pending or future task? On the desktop of the CRM tab, in the My Calendar section. In the box of the day of the scheduled task.

      I think that there, that the scheduled tasks of both the CRM and the Deals module would be seen, would be perfect.

      I know something about programming, and I think it would be relatively simple to add that conditional to the box of each day. See the scheduled task, such as calling someone or meeting someone.

      When do you think that small but very useful detail would be added?

      Stay tuned,

    • #20098

      Dear Hakkan,

      You can see the Pending/Future task in the calendar of CRM as well.

      Check out this screenshot:

      You can also add tasks in “Activities” section of the “Deals” as well.

      Check out this screenshot:

      I hope this helps you out.

      Thank you.

    • #20101


      Yeah. i checked that schedule function is fine for my. This function appear in my calendar in the Overview Section of CRM tab. But the taks for future don’t appear in this section (my calendar in the section Overview in CRM tab). This future tasks can i only see in the ‘All Schedules’ section. Further, the activities created through Deals Addon only see in the activities of the Deals Addon. It’s possible integrate all this? The overview section in ‘My Calendar’ of the CRM tab should show all schedules, tasks programmed and futures. All in resume.


      Another suggestion is that, in the section of my calendar of the CRM tab (Overview), it would greatly improve the user’s experience to click on a day (calendar box) options to create new agreement, new task, new activity, new programming, New Customer, New company. This would be like a quick access to what is done daily in a CRM software.

      I stay tuned,

    • #20110

      Dear Hakkan,

      I have checked from my localhost and was able to successfully view Future tasks in “My Schedules” section of the calendar. Since I am unable to reproduce the issue you are facing, please create a support ticket through this link and provide me a temporary admin credentials with me so that I can look into your issue:

      Currently, it’s not possible to integrate the activities of Deals add-on in the activities of CRM add-on. Regarding being able to add new activity through CRM “Activities” option, I have noted down your suggestion. I really appreciate it.

      Thank you.

    • #69718

      Hi Rafin,
      May i know is the Task reminder feature mentioned by Hakkan currently available?

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