Bug Report

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    • #4256


      I’m a new user of WP ERP and I’ve tested the plugin these past few days. Here are some things that don’t work :

      – Sales Tax can’t be defined, the button does nothing.
      – The date format specified in parameters doesn’t apply through the application (it stays yyyy-mm-dd while I specified dd/mm/yyyy)
      – The chart of accounts is prefilled with US account numbers ? I need the french one but cannot import/export or delete easily the US one.

      Thank you for your work.



    • #4338
      Shawon Chowdhury

      Hello yl-longwatchstudio,

      I have discussed about your issues with the developers and will update you on Thursday.
      If you want quick response then you can do contact at “[email protected]

      Thank you 🙂

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