In this modern era, the use of trending technologies like ERP solution is a must for an enterprise both for the survival and to run circles around its competitors. Luckily, if you are yet to utilize ERP technologies for your enterprise, it’s not too late. That’s because we are still at the beginning stage of technological trends.
At least 40% of all businesses will die in the next 10 years… if they don’t figure out how to change their entire company to accommodate new technologies.
… says John Chambers, Executive Chairman, Cisco Systems.
However, when you are streamlining your enterprise with ERP tools, you need to keep several things on your mind to get the most out of your ERP investment. In today’s post, we will reveal how to use ERP software to get the most out of it. Now, let’s jump right in.
Know your company needs
Irrespective of enterprise sizes, ERP tools are usually developed based on a one-size-fits-all approach. But there are a few ERP solutions out there which are intended to fit either small or medium or large enterprise separately. To make the best use of an ERP solution, you need to know your company size first.
You also need to analyze the ERP tool you want to purchase in detail so that you know whether it is scalable, affordable and aligns with your enterprise’s need.
Choose your vendor carefully
In order to maximize the utilities of an ERP system, it’s imperative to scrutinize your vendors. When choosing your vendor you need to compare him/her with others so that you come to know the vendor’s customer success rates, company cultures, post-sale services and so on.
You should not prefer a vendor who offers a variety of features but skimps on providing proper customer support or post-sale services. You must consider choosing the appropriate vendor as a part of the software decision criteria.
Don’t stick to a poor ERP system just because of fear of change
It’s natural that humans will stick to their habit. When we are habituated to a particular system we don’t prefer to change that system. Same goes when you are reluctant to change your ERP system even though there is a better solution available out there.
If you find a better solution, don’t hesitate to streamline your enterprise with that one so that you can get the most out of your ERP system.
Assign different user roles based on designations
Will you go for an ERP tool that has access only to the admin and it doesn’t have any customized access control? A nifty ERP solution will arm you with all the necessary customized access options so that you can empower all your employees assigning users roles based on their designations.
This way you can better your management system to increase your enterprise’s productivity even more.
Compare the ROI of your ERP system with the existing system
The ROI from your existing system and the ROI of your newly installed ERP system should be monitored closely so that you can come to know which system works best for your enterprise. If the ROI of your new ERP system is lower than that of your existing manual system then you will have to find out if there is any pitfall inside the ERP tool.
Customize the platform to suit your business needs
It’s a very commonly raised question by many of the ERP seekers – “Is the ERP solution open source or can I customize it according to our needs?”. The good news is that some ERP tools are open source and you can easily customize them to fit your business.
On the dark side, it may arise some trouble for the folks who own a little different type of business enterprise. For instance, an internet service provider business or a software development company which may vary from a typical enterprise like a superstore or a grocery shop. Thus, the customization feature should be a priority to leverage your ERP system.
Train up yourself and your employees if it requires
If your newly bought ERP software seems really hard for you and your team to operate then it’s time that you trained up yourself along with your teammates. An efficient use of an ERP system can ensure better utilization of your ERP tool. This is why it may require initial training or cross-training to get the fullest potential from your ERP software.
Note that if you provide necessary training to your employees up front, it will be a cog in the machine since your employees will be able to build self-confidence and foster a positive perception to the solution that you are going to implement in your enterprise.
Not working as expected? Check extensions
Many enterprises complain that their ERP system is not working as they expected. This problem may occur due to the lack of usage of extended software. To cite an example, your core ERP software may lack a document management system but with a simple document management extension software, you can solve this problem.
The big picture
Finally, we can conclude that you can take help from an IT expert to specify your company needs and to compare different ERP tools with one another so that you come to know which solution will fit your enterprise best.
You should train your workforce properly as most of the ERP tools are too complex to operate for some people. Last but not least, always update your software to the latest version so that it can prevent harms from hacking or so. If you think we have missed out an important point, don’t hesitate to let us know in the comment section – we would love to hear from you.