Al Suzaud Dowla

Best Practices in Finance & Accounting to Get Your Books Under Control

A well-planned accounting process is like a pillar to the viability of a business. Because it establishes transparency and tells you the bigger picture of your business with journals, ledgers, trial balances, and financial statements.

However, executing the accounting process efficiently is not an easy task for a non-accountant. But by being organized, you will able to do this with ease. As the saying goes,

For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.

Fortunately, things get much simpler if you do use an automated accounting solution. Having said that, before using the accounting tool, you can follow these tips which will help you get your accounting process under control fast.

 What are the best practices in finance and accounting?

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productivity tools

Productivity Tools & Project Collaboration Plugins for WordPress

Why are the best companies performing better? Have you ever wondered why?

Part of their success is due to their ability to their productivity. They perform better because they are efficient.

In order to be efficient, they have a proper organization, but they also use the right tool. The need for the right tool is particularly true when it comes to a remote team, as they need effective ways to communicate and manage tasks.

And this is a growing need, as more and more team are hiring remote employees.

Which is why today, we want to discuss the importance of picking the right tool and what it takes to get such a tool. We will particularly cover some examples of WordPress solutions.

So, without further ado, let’s dive right in.

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benefits of time management software

Benefits of Time Management Software for Your Small Business Projects

The belief that tracking time will make us slower instead of making faster is nothing but a fallacy. In the real world, time tracking allows you to measure your working pace, adjust with the deadlines and constantly enable you to challenge yourself to surpass your previous work performance.

From the very beginning to the ending of a project, you will encounter some common scenarios like “How many hours we need to complete this project?”, “Which employee can do it faster?”, “Who is the most qualified to delegate a task?”, “How to improve my quotes and estimates?” and many more.

In this article, we will be discussing the benefits of a time tracking software that can assure you that you will be able to find the answers to these queries easily.

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Importance of Human Resource Management in Your Business

Man, machine, materials, and money are the vital elements of a business. Of them, ‘Man’ plays the most essential role because it is nothing but the lifeblood for the rest of the elements. Without humans, there will be no effective use of the other elements.

This is why the importance of human resource management can neither be ignored nor be underestimated. In this post, we will be showing reasons why the human resource management is the imperative part for a business. No more fuss! Let’s get right onto the topic.

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user roles and permissions

Control User Roles & Permissions in Small Business ERP Solution

In this modern era, more businesses are adopting ERP solution as a medium of business automation. To this end, you will get a ton of ERP tools out there to meet your purpose. Unfortunately, most of the ERP applications are ready-made and so you can not align them with your unique business needs. It also becomes cumbersome to build your own ERP solution due to the massive amount of investment and maintenance cost. 

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wordpress recruitment plugin

Automate Your Recruitment & Hiring Process With WordPress Job Plugin

The emphasis on building an amazing team tops everything of the managerial activities of a business enterprise. But this requires you to hire the most skilled workforce. But how could you do that? Creating a well-planned recruitment process and following that process properly, right? In this article, we will show you how to use a WordPress Job Plugin to recruit the most eligible employees for your business.

Now, let’s take a look at a sample recruitment process you can use for your own organization.

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improving financial analysis

Automating And Improving Financial Analysis With WordPress ERP

While making an important business decision, it is a must to analyze the financial statements of your business enterprise. But, the process of analysis takes up a lot of time if you are going to do it by hands.

Most importantly, if you are not skilled in analyzing financial statements, you will need to hire professional financiers to tackle the challenge of improving financial analysis.

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5 Steps to a Better ERP System Implementation for Your Small Business

If you are on the lookout for a better ERP solution for ERP you will have to identify the unique requirements of your business enterprise, find out the pitfalls of your current ERP system, conduct a research to know which solution fits your enterprise best, create your own game plan and opt for an ERP system implementation partner who will be escorting you all the way. This way you can prevent any unwanted experience during the application process of the solution and successfully boost up your organization’s productivity thereby.

role of a human resource manager

The Essential Role of A Human Resource Manager in Modern Businesses

The topic “role of a human resource manager” often drives many of us to the debate, “Do startups and growing businesses need a separate HR Management?” According to most business experts, the resounding and emphatic answer to this question is a big “Yes!“.

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6 Must Have Features to Look for in An Inventory Tracking Software

Must Have Features to Look for in an Inventory Tracking Software

For any business enterprise regardless of its size, the challenge of tracking and managing inventories must be dealt with. The challenge gets even more amplified if the size of the business gets expanded with time. Rationally, to expand the sales funnel and achieve more customer satisfaction, it becomes a fundamental necessity to use inventory tracking software.

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