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Challenges People Face When Implementing ERP in Their Businesses

Choosing enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is becoming a very complicated process, as the number of ERP options on the market explode.

The solutions vary from host it yourself services, to cloud-based services, to ERP services dedicated to specific industries. And because of this, many feel overwhelmed due to the increasingly challenging nature of choosing and implementing an ERP solution in their business.

In this article, we will go over some of the most common challenges business face when implementing an ERP solution for their organization. And while there are quite a lot of challenges in the process, they shouldn’t stop you or your business from benefiting from an ERP solution.

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Messenger Marketing: How To Use Chatbots To Grow Your Audience

The more popular an online communication service becomes, the greater the odds of it becoming a vessel for delivering marketing content. From web-pages, to email, to search engines, to social networks, businesses are always jumping on each new opportunity to promote themselves online. And the latest communication channel to get co-opted for marketing purposes in this manner is instant messaging.

It was only a matter of time before businesses realized they could leverage the rising popularity of communication apps such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Viber to increase their audience. This is easier said than done. While the audience is quick to adapt to emerging online technologies, it always takes the business a while to figure out how to utilize them effectively.

One piece of tech that is promising to accelerate this process is the chatbot. According to recent data, almost 60% of all millennials and Gen Xers in the US alone have interacted with chatbots in some capacity, and this number will likely increase in the future. The kicker here is that chatbots often use services such as Facebook Messenger for communicating with consumers. Hence, the more you know about instant messaging services and chatbots, the better equipped you will be to use them together for marketing purposes.

To find out more about this topic, take a look at the overview we have prepared in the rest of this article.

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