Mainul Kabir Aion

What is ERP

What is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)?- A Comprehensive Overview

One of the most asked questions from a fresher into the corporate sector is – What is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)?

So we thought we should shed some light on it.

Well, in simple words it is one of the leading IT resources in today’s business environment. The full meaning of ERP is Enterprise Resource Planning. It empowers small, medium and also large businesses to perform and manage their day to day business operations.

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WP ERP Pricing

Revamped WP ERP Pricing Packages: How You are Saving Big?

WP ERP is one of the plugins that has changed the purpose of WordPress to its users. It is a noteworthy example of using WordPress for a greater cause like managing businesses. Being first of it’s kind, WP ERP is successfully aiding 7,000+ businesses all over the world!

After it’s release, we initially planned to make individual premium extensions alongside the FREE core modules. And it was a huge success. Customers were able to choose from around 25+ extensions that solve specific business problems.

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email marketing best practices

15 Email Marketing Best Practices that Really Helps

Whether you are doing business or developing your brand, the most important part is to reach your audience. So, how can you do that?

The answer is simple- you have to perform marketing activities. Sounds, easy right?

Well, it’s not easy at all. If you are a marketer yourself, you know how difficult it is to reach the right people at the right time.

Among different activities that people are doing to get the best results, Email Marketing is the central part of marketing. It can bring you the best possible results if you do it properly. For that, you must stay up to date with the latest trends and also adopt the best practices.

In this article, we will walk you through the latest email marketing trends of 2020 along with the best practices that you should follow for a better result in the competitive market.

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Best WooCommerce CRM Plugin

Best WooCommerce CRM for Your WordPress eCommerce Store

24% of worlds top million online stores are using WooCommerce!

Interesting right? If you think clearly, you would understand that how amazingly this WordPress plugin is providing eCommerce functionalities to all these people. Among the world’s best eCommerce solutions, it is still in the top position and serving swiftly all those entrepreneurs and store owners just like you.

However, there is no proper customer relationship (CRM) solution available in WordPress for WooCommerce stores. For any online store, customers are the soul of their business. Thus, treating them with proper care and reaching them regularly can effectively grow any online business. And CRM is the perfect tool for this.

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