Hello Shawon,
Is there a resource scheduling feature in WP-ERP?
A resource can either be an employee or other company asset that has limited availability. For example:
– an employee may be limited to 8-hours per day of task or other time-consuming activities
– an asset may be assigned to one task in a particular period
– etc.
Resource scheduling would allow for:
(a) resource assignment subject to constraints. What this means is that the system would permit resource assignment to a task only if the resource was available considering other tasks assigned to it;
(b) integration with workflow to permit automated actions in response to scheduling activity;
(c) reporting on resources (employee or asset) to show under/over-utilized resources and provide insight into insufficient or excess resource capacity;
I’ve reviewed the modules, extensions and checked the documentation for support of this kind of feature but did not see anything. I know that employees can be assigned to tasks and I did find the Asset Manager extension; but they don’t seem to work as explained above.
Can you provide some insight into the ability to support this capability?
Thank you,