Hook that fiers after contact being saved and before it is displayed

Front Page Forums CRM Hook that fiers after contact being saved and before it is displayed

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    • #11746

      Good day everybody!
      I’m trying to add extra field to a contact named “contact type” – it is stored as user meta.
      The most early hook for saving this extra field I found is action ‘erp_crm_loaded’ but it is obviously fires before contact being displayed because to see the new stored value you need to reload page manually.
      I found erp plugin erp field builder – but it does not suit me because I need to add sets of other fields that depend on contact type given – there is no such functionality in this plugin
      So i’m stuck – please help!
      May be you will advice some hook(action or a filter) – any help is welcome.
      Thank you in advance!

    • #11880
      Shawon Chowdhury


      We’ve already replied the following to our support ticket:

      ____You can use erp_create_new_people to add new people
      and erp_update_people to edit..
      These emit same data._____

      Hope this was helpful. Cheers!

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