GDPR Compliance?

Front Page Forums General GDPR Compliance?

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    • #15543

      Any advise on WP ERP CRM and the new EU data law? Is WP ERP CRM compatible with WP-GPDR? How can contacts get their own data out of WP-ERP.? I’m considering buying the bundle but as a european company this GDPR Compliance thingie becomes a real dealbreaker

    • #15961
      Shawon Chowdhury


      WP ERP is not integrated with GDPR right now. Sorry about that.

      Thanks for understanding 🙂

    • #16899

      Sorry but from May 26, the GPDR is mandatory in the whole European Union … penalty major penalties for those who omits.
      How with wperp … without this option you can incur penalties ?

    • #16979
      Shawon Chowdhury


      We are working on this integration and hope we will be done before May, 25.

      & @SebastienK,
      Could you contact us here-
      We would like to take some help from you!

      Cheers 🙂

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