Email issues

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    • #24601

      I am experiencing the following can anyone help.

      1. SMTP is setup correctly and tested okay, however emails are not sent via smtp. WPERP decides to use the gmail api setup. So when email is sent the receiver will se a gmail address instead of company domain.

      2. tried setting up pop3 with the correct credentials , port 110 /none I also tried port 465/SSL and both fail to authenticate.

      So my questions is how can I send emails from [email protected]

      My advice is to simplify the email setup… why should people create their own gmail api, when this can be done from developers side once?

      I like the product, however the email settings need working on.

      Thank you.

    • #24615
      Christian Ahlqvist

      I am too discovering issues with Email.
      I am trying to figure out if by using Announcements this will send an email to the users or just post on the site.
      Do you know as I am not able to get any emails sent in my system.

    • #25026
      Mehedi Hasan

      Hello @Cyrus,

      Please find your answers as follows:

      1. You can actually use your won SMTP but maybe you got confused to see the google SMTP help text. This is just a help text actually->

      2. I’m sorry but not sure why you are getting authentication failing issue but this is not something usual. In would be very great if you can contact our support center.


    • #25035
      Mehedi Hasan

      Hello @Christian Ahlqvist,

      You are also requested to contact our support center in case you need any help configuring the SMTP 🙂


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