Display Employee Documents in frontend with HR Frontend

Front Page Forums HRM Display Employee Documents in frontend with HR Frontend

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  • Author
    • #39939
      Matt Cromwell

      Chiming in based on this issue I created:

      The Document Manager works great in combination with HR features in the Admin. But currently the documents that are uploaded to employees profiles are NOT visible via the HR Frontend at all. This means we cannot use the HR Frontend as we hoped.

      This would be an excellent and needed feature so that the HR Frontend has all the necessary features that the Admin currently has as well.

    • #40075
      Mehedi Hasan

      Hello @Matt

      Thanks for joining our discussion forum 🙂

      However, as I replied on the GitHub repositiry, Bringing all the HR extension features in HR Frontend is already on our working list. We have already started working with API for it 🙂

      We hope to bring all the HR related extensions to frontend soon.


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