CRM Agent and CRM Manager can create WP Admin

Front Page Forums CRM CRM Agent and CRM Manager can create WP Admin

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    • #5196

      I just installed the plugin, made some test users and contacts and found a problem.
      When a CRM Agent or CRM Manager goes into the detail view of a contact, he is allowed to make a WP user of this contact. The biggest problem is, that he can choose from all WP roles and make him an administrator.

      Three buttons are shown on the top of the detail view:
      1) Back to contact list
      2) Edit this contact
      3) Make WP User

      Version 1.1.13

    • #5210
      Shawon Chowdhury


      Thanks for your information. We are already working on the core of WP ERP. And in the future releases, we will change some permission rules too 🙂

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