Click to Leave Request from Calendar View

Front Page Forums HRM Click to Leave Request from Calendar View

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    • #54085
      Matt Cromwell

      Currently, when looking at the Calendar view under “Leave Requests > Calendar”, if you click on a leave from the employee it takes you to the employee details screen. I’d expect it instead to click into the leave detail.

      Alternatively, it would be great if when you hover over that leave you’d see the details in a tooltip/popup.

      I think the Calendar view is really helpful to see when staff is out, but it’s really hard currently to see WHY they are out from the Calendar view.

    • #54290
      Mehedi Hasan

      Hello Matt,

      Actually, it’s taking to the Employee leave profile once the Employee clicks on the leave on the Calander. We kept this way for the employee to have a look on their leave profile, including all the other leave details he/she has.

      Tooltip on hovering over the calendar leave will only show his/her current leave details, which he/she can see without hovering.

      However, I’m keeping this as a feature request log, we may consider this in the near future. Most of the changes come based on the user request, so, thanks for reaching out 🙂


    • #54333
      Matt Cromwell

      I think we’re talking about different things, or I didn’t explain it very well. I’m referring to the Leave Calendar view found in the Admin, under “Leave Management > Calendar”. I’m also referring to this from the HR Manager perspective — my admin account, not the employee perspective.

      As a leave manager, when I click on the leave in Calendar view it doesn’t go to the Leave Tab, it goes to the General Info tab.

      Also, with regard to the Tooltip, I’m suggesting that the leave description be displayed in the Calendar view in one way or another for the HR Managers. Currently it just shows the Employee Name, I can’t see the type of Leave nor the description of the leave from the Calendar View at all. I have to cross-check against the Approved Leave list in order to figure that out, which is not ideal as the HR Manager.

      I hope that clarifies a bit.

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