Automatic Leave Entitlement

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    • #12440

      We have a number of different leave policies that have been created. Most policies are set to Manual for assignment and were created for 2017 only.

      When the year rolled over from 2017 to 2018, all of the Manual policies were automatically assigned. This was unexpected. What settings should I be using that will allow me to assign a policy manually and not have it be automatically assigned the following year?

      Also, I can’t delete the Entitlements from the admin Leave Entitlements page – I am assuming because there are leaves from the previous year that are associated with that policy…? Similarly, I cannot delete the policies.

      I went into the database and deleted the entitlements and they were automatically created again. What needs to happen to prevent these incorrectly created assignments?

      Any help or direction would be appreciated.

    • #12459
      Shawon Chowdhury


      You can delete the new entitlements (those have not been used yet).
      Can use the filter to search like 2017-2018 and then delete the entitlements those are created automatically (& non used) this year.
      Now, Update the policies according to your needs and then assign to the users.

      Thanks and hope this was helpful 🙂

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