Top Exemplary ERP Thought Leaders Worth to Be Followed in 2020

Technologies have not been evolved in overnight. The ERP solutions we are using now took years of tweaks and improvements to come up to today’s shape. No matter what type of ERP software you are using, there are a number of ERP thought leaders who are worth to be followed due to their contributions into the evolution of ERP solutions.

Today’s article is basically the listing of the notable ERP thought leaders whom you can follow to stay updated within the ERP ecosystem and get priceless ideas from them.

Here are a few great ERP leaders you can follow on Twitter

Simon Porter

ERP leaders

Being the influencer of Cloud, Bigdata, and IOT and having 153k followers on Twitter, Simon Porter tops our list. He had been serving IBM for more than 30 years. He specializes in different aspects of businesses like marketing, sales and deal making. He assisted in the establishment of new startups in an international atmosphere.

Apart from that, he has been a successful leader in large $bn units in the field of software and service fields. He knows how to reach out to new buyers with proper digital marketing techniques. When it comes to the SAAS and Cloud, he deploys the new delivery and consumption models to improve the sales and marketing techniques.

More and more businesses recognize that to have the workforce agility, talent and skills needed to be successful in the global economy, they must modernize HR.

Simon Porter

Simon Porter

Follow Simon Porter on Twitter.

R Ray Wang

ERP leaders

Ray has a huge number of 119k followers on Twitter. He excels in areas like keynote speaking, executive events, user group surveys, product launch design, AR program review, partner program review and many more. In the competitive landscape of the ERP industry. Ray crafts the strategies for the rolling out products of promising ERP tool makers.

He had been serving at the Constellation Research, Vestigo Ventures, People-Centered Internet, Independent and so many more.

Last but not the least, “Disrupting Digital Business” is the best selling book of Ray and it was published by the Harvard Business Press.

Data is the foundation of Digital Business. Every touch point, every click, every byte of digital exhaust.

– R Ray Wang

Follow R Ray Wang on Twitter.

Holger Mueller

ERP leaders

Holger is the VP & Principal Analyst at Constellation Research which especially focuses on the fundamental enablers of the cloud, IaaS and PaaS, Big Data, Analytics, and SaaS development. Being a 28-year experienced business enterprise veteran, he has a vast knowledge in the implementation of ERP software in business enterprises.

Before joining the Constellation Research, he had been working as a Vice Principal of Products for NorthgateArinso. Here he led the transformation of how products will be uploaded to the cloud and built the platform to BPaaS.

Follow Holger Mueller on Twitter. 

Michael Krigsman

ERP leaders

Michael Krigsman is a globally renowned industry analyst, keynote speaker, writer and the host of Cxotalk. His work has been referenced in around 50 books, published in the Wall Street Journal, and various websites.

He is also got covered in Klout list of 13000 IT influencers and in the Onalytica list of top 100 Digital Transformation Influencers (2018). He is also working as the ZDNet columnist and has been a prolific writer.

Beware silver-tongued influencers who lack practical experience in the field about which they write and speak. Never be afraid to ask tough questions and if the answers don’t seem right, then find another source of advice.
Michael Krigsman

Michael Krigsman

Follow Michael Krigsman on Twitter.

Louis Columbus

ERP leaders

Louis Columbus is a great product marketing and product management leader. He bags a vast experience in different fields such as marketing management and sales giving a strong priority on Cloud computing.

He is an exceptionally talented ERP thought leader who is solidly experienced in catalog and content management, pricing, quoting system, sales, and product configuration. He has a great passion for making one of a kind ERP solutions and loves to lead the leaders of the ERP industry.

Follow Louis Columbus on Twitter.

Jason Averbook

Jason Averbook is the CEO & Co-Founder at Leapgen. He is also a great thought leader when it comes to the ERP industry. He has a vast 25-year-experience in HR and technology industries and coordinated with the industry-leading corporations.

His two amazing books are namely “HR from Now to Next” and the “Ultimate Guide to a Digital Workforce Experience“. He is a great futurist who loves to change the executive mindset through better design of the automated ERP solutions.

Follow Jason Averbook on Twitter

Dana Gardner

Dana Gardner is an ambidextrous person in IT market analysis, social influence, and engaging online content production. He has 20 years of expertise in tracking IT advances and disruption and has interviewed a great number of people struggling with their business transformation.

Formerly, he started his career as a journalist and editor on global technology industry news. Soon after that, he gradually became obsessed with researching and analyzing the growing internet infrastructure in the business world.

Follow Dana Gardner on Twitter


We have just included these leaders as per the number of the fanbase on Twitter. But that does not necessarily mean that besides these leaders, there are no noteworthy ERP thought leaders out there.

In fact, there are hundreds of researchers and experts who are also responsible to pull the rope of development of ERP applications. If you do know remarkable ERP thought leaders, you can mention them below in the comment section.

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