How your HR manager can take better decisions using reports quickly

When you are steering a business, you will remain busy all the time considering many aspects, looking into hidden facts and also boost efficiency. Looking into these with a higher clarity can help you to take proper decisions in the right time. It is very crucial for a successful businessman to understand every aspect of his business for taking the right action. And as your business grows, you will start to run out of time if you are not using specialized business tools.

If your company website is already on WordPress, you should really consider installing WP ERP on your site. Why? It is a really feature heavy yet free plugin that can help you to manage your overall business process. You will get three handy modules, HRM, CRM and Accounting with WP ERP.

You may have appointed managers to take necessary decisions regarding your employees and other HR related tasks. But are you really getting any output? Or, can you really track and follow the activity?

The Reporting in WP ERP can improve your situation!

WP ERP has an effective reporting feature that provides you necessary information about your business from HRM and Accounting side. In today’s article, we will discuss the reporting feature of WP ERP and how your HR manager can take better decisions to make your business successful.

Learn about the growth of your business team

When your business is growing, your should make sure you have the right amount of manpower to deal with it. For that, you have to know your team closely. If you can view how much your team has grown since the beginning, who has proven to me more resourceful, you can easily take proper actions to cope up with the growth.

WP ERP has a powerful reporting feature that can process data from HRM module. Besides that, it can generate meaningful reports that can fulfill your requirements of learning about the growth of your team. You can also filter the report to make it more specific.

erp hrm headcount report

From the above report, your HR manager can easily understand how the team has grown from the start. It shows the headcount of each month in a bar chart. The HR manager can easily identify the following facts from this report,

  • The total number of employees.
  • Employee growth of each month.
  • Basic information of each employee including joining date, job title, department, location, and status.

Differentiate your departments according to gender

You might need to give your female teammates some extra facilities or need males to do something specific. For this, differentiating your team into segments can be very effective. WP ERP can provide you such report. You can easily differentiate departments of your business and take necessary actions easily.

take better decisions using wp erp

This report shows the employee gender count in a pie chart, which is very easy to understand. It also shows the percentage of male and female employees. With this report, you can easily differentiate your team and your HR manager can take decisions by analyzing the following facts,

  • The total number of male and female employees.
  • Percentage of Gender ratio.
  • Department wise gender ratio in a bar chart.
  • Gender count within each of the departments.

Get a quick view on the employee attendance

You may need to get a brief idea about your employee attendance to prepare a new policy. Besides that, you may need to find out who are not coming to work regularly. For this, you can easily generate a report that you give you necessary information about working days, holidays and attendance. WP ERP HRM module can generate such report that will give you a brief view of such information.


Using the above report, your HR manager can critically analyze different aspects related to the attendance of your employees-

  • The total number of working days and holidays.
  • The average percentage of the employees being present.
  • Percentage of employees being late and leaving early.

How much you are paying your employees

It is very important to learn about the pay rate of your employees. With this information, your HR manager can take decisions on improving employee performance by increasing salary. In addition, it is possible to make the budget for the upcoming month or year. WP ERP can generate this kind of reports from HRM module. Your HR manager will be able to know-

  • The pay rate and pay type of each employee.
  • The salary history
  • How much salary increased.
  • When the salary was increased.


Taking decisions to improve your business is very important and to do so you need effective reports. WP ERP can provide you meaningful reports that can be generated very quickly. You and your HR manager can use these reports to understand the current condition of the business and make things better by taking proper decisions at the right time.

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