Boost Your e-Commerce Platforms with WooCommerce ERP

The one thing that can reduce manual work in your business is an ERP software. It handles all the data that helps your business to run smoothly.

If you have a WooCoomerce website to run your e-Commerce business then it may tiresome to synchronize all the customer data. But the good news is you can use WooCommerce ERP software to relieve you from all the trouble.

As an experienced business person, you know what hassle it is to maintain all the data. Especially if you are running an e-Commerce business. That is where Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP) comes in.

Enterprise resource planning is a business process management software that enables organizations to use a system of integrated applications to manage a businesses-process and automate various functions.

In this article, we will discuss why you must integrate the ERP software and how it will boost your business.

Importance of ERP for e-Commerce Platforms

When you start an e-Commerce business, at first it’s easy to maintain all the data of the company. Because you have fewer customers and fewer employees with a handful of products. But as time passes, it becomes hard to maintain as the number of customers, employees and products has increased. The rate depends on the reputation you have built.

So, ERP software becomes a necessity for your business regardless of its size. The software will help you sync your data and manage accordingly. It has more benefits like:

Manage Data & Save Time

In 2020, data has become the pillar of success. The person who can manage their data most efficiently can get the most advantage. If you are running a successful e-Commerce business then you have to handle a bulk of data. Obviously, you can’t manually update all the data.

Manage Data_ WooCommerce ERP

Let ERP handle it.

Yes, WP ERP can handle all the different data. From updating the product information to processing all the customer’s orders, it can do all.

Conversion Growth

You must be thinking about how ERP software will help increase the conversion rate. Well, it is quite possible. ERP will help you with the workflow of your company. This will have a positive effect on your conversion.

Conversion Growth_WooCommerce ERP

Like, you can offer more payment methods to your customers, delivery methods. Also, you can structure and automate the processes that will help you focus more on business goals and customer satisfaction. That includes optimizing conversion on each stage of your customer’s journey.

Efficient Forecasting

Forecasting means predicting the future. It is a very important trait of a businessman. You need to have the proper knowledge of inventory forecasting. Otherwise, your products can get expired, your stock may run out, you can have a backlog of orders.

best practices for inventory forecasting_WooCoomerce ERP

That is where the ERP software will save your life. It will automatically generate reports and also give you a gentle reminder about the whereabouts of your products.

Flexibility of ERP Software

As the Enterprise Resource Solution has a centralized database system, so it is quite easy to access it from anywhere, anytime. If you have time-sensitive works than it will really help you. You can work from home, office, coffee shops, etc.

In simple words manage your business from anywhere you like.

Cost Savings

In every business, you have to be smart financially to make a profit. But one mistake can cost you dearly. ERP provides real-time, accurate information that will help you make smart decisions. Also, it will create a great impact on your ROI.

Team Collaboration

To make a business work, you need teamwork. And for effective teamwork, you will need a strong collaboration. So, along with fruitful team-building exercises you need to have a system like ERP placed that will constantly keep a link between the team members.

Team Building Exercises in Your Workplace for 2020 (Pro Tips for Managers) WooCoomerce ERP

It will help improve productivity because there will be a fun environment in the workplace.

Happy Customers

When you are running a business all you want is happy customers. If you can provide your customers with all the services, products on time and give better service.

Happy Customers

ERP provides this in a few different ways. Most ERP is equipped with a customer relationship management (CRM) tool or can be easily integrated with one. With an ERP, your CRM has access to data across business functions.

So, your team can understand the needs and wants of the customer better.

We are talking about e-Commerce stores, right? So we are bound to talk about WooCommerce. So, if you integrate WooCommerece with ERP then you will see that your work will become easier. Let’s discuss it more elaborately about WooCommerce ERP.

WooCommerece + ERP: What Should You Consider

As we said earlier, if you are running an e-commerce store then you must be getting tired of synchronizing all the customer data. But we have a solution for you. If you use WooCommerece integration for Your WordPress ERP basically for the WordPress CRM and WordPress Accounting then you can get rescued because,

Store Customer Data

If you are doing business in this era then you must know how important storing customer data is. But let us refresh your mind

  • If you know your customer’s needs then you can design and produce better products for them
  • You can know about their expectations
  • You can nurture your customers further down the line with email marketing, Facebook ads, etc
  • Customer data involves personal information also. So, you can offer them special discounts on their birthday, anniversary or on any other special occasion.

But these are the tip of the iceberg. If we start writing about the need for the customer data we will run out of ink. But WooCommerce ERP will surely help you to utilize your customer data in the right way.

Target Your Customers with WooCommerece ERP

With WooCommerece ERP CRM integration you can easily use filter options to target your desired audience. This will help you to send the relevant information to the target customers and you can easily avoid spamming.

Because we all know how spam or irrelevant information can irk customers.

Add A SignUp Button on Checkout to Increase Subscribers

The more subscriber you have the more opportunity to expand and develop your business. That is why most of the business owners try hard to collect as much as leads as possible. But the technique they use often frustrates the clients.

Integrate WooCommerce Store with WordPress ERP

But with WooCommerce ERP you can add a signup button during checkout. That way customers will only add to your subscribers list if they like your products or content. You are not forcing them in any way.

Sync Your Orders from WooCommerece Website

One of the drawback points of running an online store is you have to add the orders you receive manually into your WordPress Accounting. But you know you can do that only one click of the button. That is possible with WooCommerce with WP ERP integration.

This way you can easily eliminate the pain to create invoices, calculating taxes and other discounts

Generate Detailed Contact Reports

When you have a detailed report of all your contacts it becomes easy to conduct any kind of experiments or survey. WooCommerce ERP generates a detailed report that will give you clear insight into your contacts. You can get reports for,

  • Activity Report
  • Customer Report
  • Growth Report.

Divide Your Customers into Groups

Integrate WooCommerce Store with WordPress ERP

You can decide in which category your customers will fall. WooCommerce with WP ERP integration gives you this opportunity. By doing this you can nurture your contacts according to their groups. That way you will know exactly what to do.

So these are the perks of having a WooComerce integrated with your ERP software.

How WooCoomerce ERP can Boost Your Business

We talked about how WooCommerce ERP can help you in many ways. But how are these ways can help boost your business to the top? Well,

  • You can use the customer data to exceed their expectations
  • Improves the quality of the products, resulting in increasing sales
  • Increases the ROI
  • You can grow your subscriber’s list. That will help you to reach more audiences
  • It has mobility so you can conduct your business from anywhere
  • Target your customers based on their personality
  • It increases the workflow your employees
  • It introduces better customer satisfaction rate

These are surely valid points that are sure to push your business to the next level.

We have provided you the points on how WooCommerce ERP will help you with your e-commerce store. But is there a solution that will provide you exactly with that?

Related Article: How ERP WooCommerce Integration Can Boost Your Business

Best ERP to Use with Your WooCommerce Store

Integrate WooCommerce Store with WordPress ERP

WP ERP can be the right Enterprise Resource Planning solution out there. It is the first full ERP solution. It has 3 modules

  1. Customer Relations Manager(CRM)
  2. Human Resource Management(HRM)
  3. Accounting.

These modules you will get for free. All the modules have some great extensions. And yes the CRM and Accounting module has the WooCommeece extension. It will provide you with all the features we talked about and you will need to boost your business.

It can,

  • Store customer data
  • Synchronize WooCommerce orders
  • Manage the WooCommerce website contacts more smartly
  • Enable you to get all the data with a visual and direct dashboard
  • Generate a detailed report

EndNote on WooCommerce ERP

If you are using the WP ERP and a WooCommerce website simultaneously then using the WooCommerce integration will help you reduce your effort. You can easily maintain your customer resources and maintain a seamless accounting process.

You may check how to integrate WP ERP with WooCommerece.

If you are already using the WooCommerce integration, let us know your thoughts on the tool in the comment section.

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