Best Tips For Holiday Email Marketing Campaign With Examples

The appeal of email marketing has always been top-notch to the marketers. According to DMA’s Email Tracking Report, email receives 30 times return on investment on average. That shows the significance of email pretty clearly.

Now, when it comes to the holiday season, naturally, the importance of email marketing becomes more intense. You can give a boost to your sales with a great email campaign this time.

How to Boost Sales With Holiday Email Marketing

November-December is the time when consumers get into shopping more than any other months. So, marketers need to take advantage of it. Here are seven ways you can craft your holiday email marketing to acquire more customers.

Plan early

Create a well-planned schedule ahead of your holiday season. Make sure your subscribers get advanced notice of your promotions. Remember, people tend to have their own shopping plan for holidays. An early approach can get you into that plan.

Don’t forget to check the reports of your past campaigns during planning. Figure out which worked and which didn’t and plan accordingly.

Focus on the Subject line

A creative subject line increases the chance of your email to be opened. Use a line relevant to the holiday. Play with words to make it catchy.

Same theory goes for the preview texts as well. Try to make your reader smile with some simple but creative texts.

Look what Fossil did with the word-play in their Christmas email –

holiday email marketing-Fossil

Incorporate visually appealing elements

If opened, your email only gets a 5-8 seconds window to deliver the message to the reader. So, include interactive elements in the mail body to buy some more time. Use GIF, colors, or any other engaging elements carefully to retain the attention of the reader.

FoxFuel‘s Monkey Day campaign –

holiday email marketing - FoxFuel

Feature real-time content

Integrating real-time changes in inventory or a countdown timer in an email can motivate people to take action. Since such contents create a sense of urgency among consumers, you can make use of it in your holiday email marketing.

Here’s a template from NiftyImages –

real-time changes

Don’t be annoying

Each holiday season, people’s inbox literally gets flooded with promotional emails. So, take feedback from your customers. Ask whether they’d prefer to opt in or out of holiday-related emails and how often they’d like to receive them. Don’t end up annoying your loyal customers only focusing on holiday sales.

TechRadar‘s email footer to collect user feedback –

user feedback collection

Connect with the theme

Try to make a subtle connection between the holiday-based theme and your email copy. This will create a good impression of your company among the consumers. Only a discount or an offer may not always suffice to increase sales. But a creative copy can do the job.

Can you beat UBER‘s Halloween-themed mail copy?

holiday email marketing - uber

Leverage the power of gamification

People love to participate in games and contests. So, inserting small games or invitation for contests in your email is a great way to generate excitement among people. It also leads to word-of-mouth marketing. Why not utilize this into your holiday campaign too?

Email on Easter by EmailMonks

holiday email marketing - emailmonks

Final Words

One size doesn’t fit all. Therefore, try to figure out which strategy works best for you. Implement and test new ideas on a regular basis. Change only one variable at a time so you can determine the catch. The holiday season is a busy time for the email marketers no doubt. But managing some time to analyze the metrics and act according to it is a must for a successful campaign.

If you are using WordPress, then creating email campaigns, scheduling for perfect timing, getting detailed reports – all these can be done with the Email Campaign plugin.

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