Attendance Extension IP issue

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    • #67271

      Hello Mehedi,
      Please the Attendance Extention has an issue.
      When you enable IP restriction and you enter the IP address of your computer in the whitelist
      and you try to checkin, you get an error that you cannot checkin from this IP.
      I tried this on my own website and also from your demo site and its still the same.
      Can you also do an IP range so that you don’t have to enter all IP addresses for employee computers when
      the network is on DHCP.
      Please look into this for me.
      Thank you.

    • #67336
      Mehedi Hasan

      Hello Mistige,

      You are doing it wrong! it’s not your computer IP address, rather, it’s the network IP address that your Employees are connected.


    • #67423

      Thank you Mehedi

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